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PAT Testing

Portable Appliance Testing - Further advice about your testing

Keynotes Audio Ltd pride themselves in the care and attention to detail, when it comes to looking after you and your expensive electrical equipment. No matter the value - everything is treated with care. 


We test thoroughly, using the most up-to-date version of software available, which is compliant to the latest code of practice.

We use a variety of equipment to inspect and test your electrical appliances. An ordinary multi-meter cannot carry out the tests that our professional testing equipment can. 


Our chosen testing machine is a Seaward Apollo 500, upgraded to 500+ specs and loaded with the latest firmware available.

The machine stores your test data, which we download and we then create your detailed report and certificate, which is sent to you via email - or we can print for you if preferred. (A small admin fee is required for this) You'll also have the green stickers that everyone recognises!


How much will it cost?

We will do our best to keep our prices as competitive as possible with our competition locally. 

Our current pricing is worked out per item tested.

In simple terms, if an appliance has a separate power lead, this will be 2 items. One for the appliance and one for the power lead. Both items have to be inspected and tested separately. 

We charge 1 unit per test, whether the item passes, fails or is a visual test only. This covers our time and admin costs involved in processing your detailed report and certificate(s) etc.

We also charge a set-up fee, which applies to all bookings. 

Our set-up fee includes travel and our time to get everything prepared - we do have special offers on, so keep an eye out for those! If you can deliver and collect your items to our office in Warwick, we will offer a discounted price. 


What can I have tested?

We can test any item with a standard UK 3 pin plug and also:

  • IEC (kettle type plugs and sockets)

  • Powercon plugs and sockets 

  • Fixed appliances - hand driers for example (Where we can safely isolate from the mains) 

  • IT - Computers, monitors etc

  • Portable RCD's

  • Fridges, freezers, kettles, microwaves and ovens

  • Cables and chargers

  • Extension leads

  • Caravan type plugs and sockets / extension leads

  • Hand Held appliances - hair driers and straighteners for example


What happens if an item fails?

In the unfortunate event your item fails, we will do our best to repair it there and then. We are limited to plug re-wiring and fuse replacement - these are included in your test fee - so no extra cost to you! 

For failures outside of our capability, we will recommend you have the item checked and repaired by a professional electrician or specialist for that particular appliance.


Extension leads! 

We can test all types of extension lead - we check every socket separately. As you'll appreciate, this can be time consuming - but it is vital we do this. 

To cover our time - we charge 1 unit for up to 4 gang (4 sockets) extensions. 

We then charge 2 units for 5 gang (5 sockets) plus extensions. We also charge 2 items for leads over 10m in length. 


Our final thoughts..



Why is portable appliance testing so important? Is it a con? It's only valid for the day of the test, right? Visual inspections are all that's required - PAT testing is a waste of money! 


We've heard all these and more.. several times! 


To put a few things to bed.. Why? Well, we test your equipment using machines that test deeper than a multimeter, or pair of human eyes. In fact, our machine tests deeper than if you have a group of people stood staring at your electrical item! 


We recently tested a 4 way extension. An old one. Used many times for a group of musicians - a band.

We removed the plug top and checked the wiring and fuse. All ok. Great! A visual inspection of the flex to the socket block showed no issues. The sockets looked fine and according to the customer, worked flawlessly. Great! 


We plugged our machine in and 3 of the sockets passed, one failed. It wasn't earthed. So whatever had been plugged into that socket previously, hadn't been earthed. It worked ok.. just wasn't earthed. A visual inspection would not have picked that up - our machine did. We have the extension lead - happy to show you! 


So whatever was plugged in, wasn't earthed. 


Most things on stage are made of metal, or contain some kind of metal part that's exposed. Any item plugged into that socket, had it developed a fault could have potentially led to a fatal shock. 

Let that sink in! 


Another item we tested was wired incorrectly, neutral and live reversed. Item worked as normal but again if a problem had occurred, potentially a live feed would have been present throughout the appliance. If the appliance had shorted to earth - it's not worth thinking about is it! 


And finally - It's only valid for one day.. Yeah ok, fairly true - but! We found them faults, along with many others and were able to put them right in most cases, included in the test price. 


Remember it is YOUR responsibility to check your electrical appliances in accordance with the type of use, your business model and insurance terms and conditions.

For some items, you can leave it a bit longer between tests. For others, you can test every day if you wish - we are happy to advise on this. 

As a guide.. All of our hire equipment here at Keynotes Audio Ltd is tested every time it goes out and checked upon return. 

Our power leads and extensions are tested every 6 months - but inspected before and after every use. 

Speakers and other equipment, unless on private hire are inspected and tested every 12 months. 


Another page will be available soon to show some of the fails we encounter!

(And how we are able to help keep the show on the road!) 


Contact us now to book your tests. 


Seaward Apollo 500 PAT testing machine
PATTA logo

Registered Address: Keynotes Audio Ltd

The Woods, Haywood Road, Warwick. CV34 5AH

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HMRC Company Number: 13630090

©2024 by Keynotes Audio Ltd.

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